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CDCP | Canadian Dental Care Plan


We have been receiving a lot of calls regarding the Canadian Dental Care Plan. We know many people have already received their SunLife cards from the government and are eager to get in to be seen.

What you NEED before you book your appointment: 

  1.  Your SunLife coverage card.

  2. Tell us your activation date (found on the paperwork that came with the card.)

  3. Tell us the amount of coverage/co-pay you were approved for this year. (found on the paperwork that came with the card.)

    • 40% Co-Pay or 60% Co-Pay 

    • or 100% Coverage



  • Having a SunLife Card does not mean your coverage is activated. Just because you have received your SunLife coverage card, does not mean your plan is immediately activated for use. Please read your documents that they send with your card, and confirm your coverage is effective before calling and booking an appointment. ​

    • If you cannot find this information, you need to call them and ask what your "benefit effective date" is, before booking your appointment. 1-888-888-8110

  • Not everyone will have the same coverage/co-pay percentage.

    • Based on your net income bracket, the CDCP will set your dental co-ay amounts at 40% or 60%, or they may grant you100% coverage (This does not mean that it is exactly that true percentage - read more below!) 

      • Please understand this and be prepared to pay for whatever portion of your bill that they will not cover.

      • If you cannot find this information on your paperwork they sent with your card, you need to call them and ask what your "CDCP contribution of eligible fees" are before booking your appointment. 1-888-888-8110

  • Even if they say a particular service is covered at 100%, it is likely not truly 100% coverage.  And if they say your co-pay is 40% or 60%, you will owe that amount + the balance in fee difference. Please understand this and be prepared to pay for whatever portion of your bill that they will not cover. (Your CDCP co-pay amount + balance)

    • 100% Coverage Example: A patient had an Exam/X-ray & her CDCP coverage said she had 100% for that service - but the amount the CDCP paid was not for the full amount of the bill. So she had to pay a $16.xx balance out of her own pocket.)

    • "40% Co-Pay" Example: (taken from CDCP website)

Sam has an appointment to get his teeth cleaned.

His dental provider charges $145 for 2 units of scaling.

The CDCP established fee for 2 units of scaling is $134.

Sam must pay the remaining $11 to the provider, plus his co-payment

> Sam’s co-payment is $53.60 (40% of $134)

>> The CDCP will pay Sam’s provider (Dentist) $80.40 (60% of $134)

> Sam’s total payment to his provider (Dentist) is $64.60 ($11 + $53.60)

  • Not all of the services listed on the government's website are active for coverage at this time. The government hopes to have more services active for coverage later in the year. (Many of these services may not be able to be completed same-day, as the CDCP will require us to submit Pre-Determinations first, before proceeding with the treatment. Results may take 5+ business days for you to receive.)


You can read more on their website: Canadian Dental Care Plan  

Or call them 1-888-888-8110

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